Friday, October 15, 2010

Check if a language file is loaded for jQuery Globalization plugin

Recently, I wrote my first jQuery Globalization plugin introductory post. I mentioned that I will write a tutorial for Globalization plugin and I am. While writing the tutorial I thought I’ll write one of my short Friday jQuery tips.

In this post you will learn how to check if a specific jQuery Globalization plugin language file is loaded or not. Globalization plugin saves localization data and all information in jQuery.cultures object. By default English language is added. So if you add "Inuktitut" language (code iu) the jQuery.cultures object will be extended and will have jQuery.cultures.iu object in it.

So to check if particular language file is loaded all we need to do is to check if jQuery.cultures.langCode is defined. Here is an example:

    // Inuktitut jquery.glob.iu.js lang file is loaded
}else {
    // Inuktitut language is not loaded, load it here

Some cultures have different alphabet, so they will have that appended in their language and culture names. For example Inuktitut has Syllabics (iu-Cans) and Latin alphabets (iu-Latn), So you will not be able to check the file existence with the code above. Here is a syntax to do it:

    // Will not work

// Better way to check if the lang file is loaded
    // Inuktitut jquery.glob.iu-Latn.js lang file is loaded
}else {
    // Inuktitut language is not loaded, load it here

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