In this post, we will talk about JavaScript’s typeof
operator. We will start with its’ purpose. Then discuss its’ flaws and finally see when should you use it.
's usage doesn’t happen to match its’ initial purpose.
What is typeof?
The typeof
operator is used to identify the type of an object. It always returns a String
value, so you should always compare return value to a string.
// Examples
typeof 37; // "number";
typeof true; // "boolean"
typeof undefined; // "undefined"
typeof {}; // "object"
// Call with parentheses
typeof(37); // "number";
As you can see above, there are 2 ways to call the method. typeof
is an operand and not a function, that is why, the second method is actually not a function call. Operation in parentheses are evaluated and then passed to typeof
So far, so good, we know its’ purpose. Now let’s see its’ flaws.
Flaws and caveats
I’ll just say it: typeof is one of the biggest flaws in JavaScript. It had only one job, to return the type of an object. But let’s see the table below (source):
Value Class Type
"foo" String string
new String("foo") String object
1.2 Number number
new Number(1.2) Number object
true Boolean boolean
new Boolean(true) Boolean object
new Date() Date object
new Error() Error object
[1,2,3] Array object
new Array(1, 2, 3) Array object
new Function("") Function function
/abc/g RegExp object (function in Nitro/V8)
new RegExp("meow") RegExp object (function in Nitro/V8)
{} Object object
new Object() Object object
alert Function function (object in IE 6, 7, 8)
null null object (in future ECMAScript versions)
"Type" column lists the typeof
‘s return values and "Class" column shows the actual class of the operand.
As you can see, in most of the case you end up with object string instead of the actual class name. A workaround for getting the class of an object is to use Object.prototype.toString
method. Here is how:"foo") // [object string] String) // [object string]
As you can see, this is not the ideal return value. Here is a JavaScript function that would help make your code more readable (source):
function is(type, obj) {
var clas =, -1);
return obj !== undefined && obj !== null && clas === type;
is('String', 'test'); // true
is('String', new String('test')); // true
If you want to check the type of an object, use Object.prototype.toString
method instead of typeof
operator. This would make your code behave as expected.
ECMAScript 5 changes theObject.prototype.toString
method’s return values fornull
When should you use typeof?
is good for checking if variables are undefined. If you make use of an undefined variable in your code, you will get a ReferenceError. Using typeof
will not cause your code to throw an error.
if( typeof foo !== "undefined") {
// defined
}else {
// undefined
To conclude, unless you are checking whether a variable is defined or not, you should avoid using typeof